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Alliance Ginneries is an Agro based industry situated in Bariadi District within Simiyu Region. Alliance Ginneries is 100kms away from Mwanza City and 42 kms away from Bariadi Town a long Bariadi Magu Road.


Alliance has been actively participating in cotton business from 1999 with her operations covering four Regions within the Lake Zone that is Simiyu , Mwanza, Shinyanga and Mara . Alliance has been actively involved in supporting cotton farmers through contract farming .


Realizing that there is a need for farmers besides supports on cash crop there is a need to support farmers on food crop to boost  food security and nutration. We are today supporting our cotton farmers to grow maize  sweet potatoes and green grams. We have been very active on cross cutting matters including creating awareness on HIV and Aids to our cotton farmers and our engaged staffs.

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